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Connxio Portal

The Connxio Portal is a user-friendly web-based interface that provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to manage and configure integrations within the Connxio platform. It serves as the central hub for users to create, monitor, and troubleshoot their integrations, enabling seamless data exchange between systems. This documentation provides an overview of the Connxio Portal and its key functionalities.

Integration Configuration

The Connxio Portal allows users to create and configure integrations by selecting and configuring adapters, defining transformation rules, setting up endpoints, and managing security configurations. With the intuitive graphical user interface, users can easily set up and customize integration workflows to meet their specific requirements.

Error Management and Troubleshooting

In case of message failures or processing errors, the Connxio Portal offers a dedicated error management section. Users can easily identify failed messages, investigate the error details, and take appropriate actions to resolve the issues. The error management capabilities streamline the troubleshooting process, helping users quickly identify and resolve integration issues.

Testing and Load Testing

The Connxio Portal provides a testing framework that allows users to simulate integration scenarios and validate their configurations. Users can create test groups, define test cases, and send test messages to verify the functionality and behavior of their integrations. Additionally, the load testing feature enables users to assess the performance and scalability of their integrations by generating a high volume of test messages.

Integration History and Auditing

The Connxio Portal maintains a detailed history of integration activities, providing users with a comprehensive audit trail. Users can access and review the history of executed integrations, track changes made to integration configurations, and analyze past performance for troubleshooting and compliance purposes.

User Management and Access Control

The Connxio Portal allows for efficient user management and access control within the organization. Administrators can define user roles, assign permissions, and manage user accounts, ensuring proper access and security measures are in place.

The Connxio Portal serves as a powerful and intuitive interface for users to configure, monitor, and manage their integrations. Its user-friendly features streamline integration workflows, enhance visibility and control, and facilitate efficient troubleshooting. By leveraging the capabilities of the Connxio Portal, users can maximize the potential of the Connxio platform for their integration needs.