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Metadata in Connxio

In Connxio, metadata is an essential component attached to each message, providing additional contextual information about the message itself. The metadata object consists of various fields that help track and analyze the message as it flows through the integration pipeline. These metadata fields in Connxio offer valuable information and insights into the message flow, helping with troubleshooting, analysis, and monitoring of integrations. They enhance visibility and enable efficient handling of messages within the Connxio platform.

Below is a description of each field within the JSON structure of the metadata object:

configCorrelationIdID of the integration associated with the message, aiding in tracking and tracing related messages and processes.
transactionTypeThe name of the integration associated with the message, providing additional context and categorization.
interchangeIdUnique identifier for the interchange, facilitating tracking and identification of related messages within the flow.
startedTimestamp when the pipeline in Connxio was started.
inboundFileNameName of the inbound file associated with the message, if applicable.
inboundEndpointInbound endpoint associated with the message, representing the source or origin of the data.
inboundAdapterName of the inbound adapter associated with the message, such as SFTP, REST, or others.
outboundFileNameName of the outbound file associated with the message, if applicable.
outboundEndpointOutbound endpoint associated with the message, indicating the target system or destination.
outboundAdapterName of the outbound adapter associated with the message, such as SFTP, REST, or others.
outboundBlobNameName of the blob inside Connxio when handled in the outbound engine for debugging purposes.
The format of the blob name is "interchangeId_<subintegrationId>.<messageFormat>"
transformationBlobNameName of the blob inside Connxio during transformation processes.
The format of the blob name is "interchangeId_<subintegrationId>.<messageFormat>"
manualResendCountNumber of times the message has been manually resent using the resend framework by the customer.
dataCollectionData collected by the data collection feature, shortened if too long.
userDefinedPropertiesProperties defined within code components for customization and flexibility.

Example metadata object

Here's an example JSON string representing a sample metadata object in Connxio:

"configCorrelationId": "a3be56f3-1a17-4d2e-a9e9-ddcbc1717892",
"transactionType": "the transaction Type",
"interchangeId": "977e63bf-0dac-4c31-aca5-4d59d8f5b43a",
"started": "2023-07-10T15:36:43",
"inboundFileName": "file.json",
"inboundEndpoint": "Topic: example-topic - Subscription: example-subscription",
"inboundAdapter": "ServiceBus",
"outboundFileName": "file.xml",
"outboundEndpoint": "",
"outboundAdapter": "REST",
"outboundBlobName": "977e63bf-0dac-4c31-aca5-4d59d8f5b43a-6bfff3fd-3513-47e0-8a85-a0e1ddb75604.xml",
"transformationBlobName": "977e63bf-0dac-4c31-aca5-4d59d8f5b43a-6bfff3fd-3513-47e0-8a85-a0e1ddb75604.json",
"manualResendCount": null,
"dataCollection": {},
"userDefinedProperties": {}